Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The weight of reality

Do you ever feel like you've had just a little too much reality? Seen a little too much? I'm kinda there today. While I am not one to shut out pain and suffering in this world, there is definitely some truth in the saying, "Ignorance is Bliss." I went to the house of one of my best friends here last night and it was both a heart warming and heart breaking experience. I feel like I'm always saying that here. That it's wonderful and horrible at the same time, but it's the truth. You know the story in the Bible of the woman who gave her two coins to the offering and it was a much bigger sacrifice than the extravagant gifts of the rich? That's what these people are like. They have little, but share all. Last night got me more than most because I saw that poverty here is not found only among the uneducated and/or the lazy. My friend is an incredibly hard worker that has a college education...and has lived for the past year without light or running water, in a neighborhood where you pretty much can't own anything valuable, or it will surely be stolen. If someone hears your radio or TV, they're as good as gone....but it's not a big issue, because those things aren't really affordable anyway. We went to the house of her family (which has lights and water) and they shared all of their best with me and were happy to have me in their home...their first foreign visitor! And though is was hard to see her circumstances, I was honored at the chance to literally break bread with my friend and her family...but now I want to take her home with me!

I've won the nickname Blancanieves here (Snow White) because most have never seen anyone as white as me. It's sort of the opposite of the US in regards to color. No one is trying to get a tan and they think white is beautiful, that we look like dolls :) Ok, I'll bask in my whiteness for a bit. On the other hand, I think the fact that I shave my legs to them is a bit wierd. I was cracking up when one of the kids was actually afraid when my legs were a bit prickly. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey there Blanca! "Reno" Ron Gendrich here - remember me from way back when? (My friends used to call me "El Gringo" back in Chicago!)
Your Dad told me to check out your blog, and it sounds like you've had quite the adventure living in Peru.
I was there a couple years ago, as a tourist or course, but did observe much of the poverty that you describe. (By the way, your writing style is very good!)
Can't say I'm as decent, caring, and giving as you, but I really respect what you're doing. Keep up the good work! If you come to town for a visit, I'd enjoy comparing notes, and pictures too, if you're taking some, that is.
All righty, have a safe trip home, and keep on writing!
Con queso, Ronnie G.

beckalippy said...

So I was on the bus the other day and these guys heard me talking on my phone in Englsih and they assumed that I couldn't understand Spanish. So they started talking about me, right there in front of me! SO I pulled my phone back out and called a chilean friend and in my best chilean accent started talking. They shut up real fast!
I love you babe!

PS- How dare you be so close, and yet so far!

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.