Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Other Half...or the other 5%

So today I discovered not everyone in this country is poor and those with money tend to have it in spades. Some friends of the Bel's belong to a country club and we spent the day there with them. It was GORGEOUS! I felt a bit like a camp counselor with all the playing that was going on. I taught the kids how to play Marco Polo and threw them around in the pool until they wore me out :) They loved the game and taught it to the others until all the kids in the pool were playing. We had a wonderful lunch, then cakes and coffee...yum! It was so nice to just be able to walk around by myself for awhile along the paths without having to worry about safety or really doing anything. Very relaxing I was thinking about how different it would be if I was working here as a nanny for some rich family instead of volunteering with Nuevos Pasos. I guess it would be kind of like going on vacation at a tropical resort as opposed to working with the people who live there...same country, but totally different worlds. I then shot around with Marina a bit and we worked on her form and shooting. It was pretty fun and she was doing great. I feel so at home here with the Bel's. I've been thinking about why and I think it's largely due to the fact that they are so affectionate with each other. It's like being in my house. That, and they truly seem to enjoy each other's company...and thankfully mine! Semana Santa has turned out to be a wonderful, relaxing, much needed rest and I'm feeling ready to get back to work tomorrow!


beckalippy said...

Kallieeeeee!!!! I want to play Marco Polo with you! It is crazy that you are only one country away and I can't see you!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh,so glad you got some relaxin', sounds like such a fun day! We hid Easter eggs for the Lamy kids and listened to Sierra perform a song she had prepared. Life is very good.

Anonymous said...

Kallie, I know how enjoyable it can be to go to the resort for the day. Still I'm sure that you wouldn't be happy if you knew you could be helping the kids in Paso Nuevo and spent your days relaxing by the pool on vacation instead. I am so jealous. Work is going well.

Kallie said...

it's true. I could have gone on vacation, but the work I'm doing is SO much more rewarding. Becka, I wish we could get together too! No way you can get to Lima on the 30th? I am stoked to hear you're coming to vist me in Philadelphia!!!! We'll have to go check out Westminster so I can talk you into moving there ;) Muah, haha! So I've started reading Tozer and he rocks my socks off.

Kallie said...

it's true. I could have gone on vacation, but the work I'm doing is SO much more rewarding. Becka, I wish we could get together too! No way you can get to Lima on the 30th? I am stoked to hear you're coming to vist me in Philadelphia!!!! We'll have to go check out Westminster so I can talk you into moving there ;) Muah, haha! So I've started reading Tozer and he rocks my socks off.