Monday, May 29, 2006

Summer is Here

Are you ever just totally amazed at the way God works in your life? I am on a regular basis. I moved across the country less than two weeks ago and have already had the chance to meet some amazing people. My second day of class, I sat down next to Melanie. She is a Christian and has been living and teaching in Nairobi, Kenya for the last four years. After graduation, her dream is to go back there are work as a medical missionary. I am inspired! For those of you who don't know, I am so stoked about the idea of medical missions. I've been thinking lately about working as a traveling nurse so I could have the money and flexibility to do actually swing it. At this point, I'll just wait for God to lead. Regardless, we are having some great conversations and she's proven to be one of those people it is just really fun to talk to. All that to say, I HAVE A FRIEND!! Today I went with her to visit her family in the Poconos (the mountains just north of here). The day matched the summer weather that seems to have arrived here just in time to make all the weekend vacationers happy, us included. In other words, it's stinkin hot here, but it was great since we got to hang out on a lake. We went to a brunch with her insanley huge family (her dad have 9 brothers and sisters and they all have a mess o kids), then went back to their lake house where we prepared for lazy afternoon. I forgot my swimsuit at her house so I got to wear a bright teal early 90's classic because the idea of sitting on the shore while the others swam across the lake was worse than being seen in something so hot ;). And I did swim across the lake...twice! After chillin on the shore for awhile, we went back to the house and practiced taking blood pressures on the tons of people that make up her family. Awesome practice since there's a mess of them of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Tomorrow we start our examination and assessment course and the midterm is Friday (including head to toe assessments and vitals), so we figure we need all the practice we can get! All in all it was a great day. I'm happy. And I have so much reading to do....


Anonymous said...

Hey Kallie,

Thanks so much for your e-mail. Unfortunately, I can't currently reply because my e-mails aren't sending for some reason still unbeknownst to me. Hopefully that problem will get cleared up soon. I love and miss you though and I hope I'll get to write back soon :-) I was thinking of you over Memorial Day weekend as well and missing our annual laugh-till-your-face hurts road trip. It sounds like you had a good time though at the lake. The swimsuit sounds like it was quite the fashion statement.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.