Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The End of the Road

I made it! I'm writing this post from inside my new home here in beautiful Pennsylvania. And it really is beautiful. Despite the rain, I enjoyed my drive from Pittsburgh thanks to the gorgeous scenery. Nothing like spending miles and miles on 80 going through those plain states to make you appreciate lush green trees and rolling hills. The rain cleared about halfway through my drive and thankfully I got to move my stuff from car to house with clear skies. So a bit about my new place. For those of you who don't know, I found it online and just met my new roommate the same time I got handed my keys (ok, so we talked and emailed a bit). As it is, everything is working out splendidly. The apartment is located in a suburb of Philly, and I'm seriously enjoying the east coastyness of the area. Tree-lined streets, brick houses, and township added to the end of the city names :) Everyday for those from here, but simply delightful to a California girl! My apartment is clean, small, but not too small, and has great carpet. That seems like a weird thing to say, but I'm really stoked about the fact that we a)have carpet and b) it's actually clean enough for me to lay on without concern...especially since at the moment my room is totally devoid of furniture. That's one of those details I'll get to work on tomorrow. Oh, the to do list is long! But I'm a happy girl. Gnight.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, welcome home little girl! It must feel good to be able to put down some roots again, I know you have a traveler soul, but everyone needs a place. Good luck on the furniture. Much love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Kallie, So happy you made it safe and sound. Didn't know about the road trip part, but it makes sense since you might need a car. Peri's Folsom Lake CC grad is next week. Two years down, many more to go. We miss you, but are so excited for your adventerousness. Keep blogging if you can. Teri