Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My Primetime Addiction

I've never been one to plan life around television. I mostly find myself disillusioned with society when I see the stuff that counts as popular entertainment. Who's sleeping with who, cheating on who, buying what, degrading their spouse, disrespecting their parents, etc.... I don't get hooked on shows so intimately I talk about the characters like they are my best friends, or decline offers to hang out with real people for those living in the box. At least I didn't. And then came The Office. It's an addictive combination of painful awkwardness, romance, and hilarity that I just can't help but love it. I DO want to talk about what's going on between Jim and Pam, what unbelievably stupid thing Michael managed to say that had me cringing, the rivalry between Dwight and the new guy, and why it is that Roy is suddenly endearing. I DO try to figure out ways to be home Thursday nights, and find myself downloading episodes and searching youtube for them when I'm not. I think there's no denying it...I have become "hooked on a show."
And what's more, I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. Two of my roommates watch Survivor instead. I don't understand. I mean, The Office has Alliances PLUS Scranton, Dundies, and Bird Funerals. I do get that some of you might not have had the chance yet to fall in love with this American treasure (ok, maybe only half American since we stole it from Britain) which is why I'm offering you the opportunity to experience the awkwardness that has us loyal followers starry eyed. Dinner and seasons 1 and 2. My house. Friday. Level of experience required: none! Faithful viewers welcome. Ok, so most of you reading this are probably not in PA, but if you want to check it out, I'll bring my dvd's home at Christmas and catch you up :)


Anonymous said...

Well I'm excited. I can't wait. I told Heather B. that she had to come or else I was going to sit in the corner and cry the whole night.

I can't wait for all the goodness.

mommajanjan said...

Oh Kallie, there is a new show called "10 items or less" that is a brother or sister to the Office, don't watch it, I am warning you, it has Michael, only his name is Leslie, and he is running a drug store, with equally endearing misfits. Beware. Wish I could come Friday. Love you, Momma