Sunday, October 08, 2006

Friendliness :)

I wonder a lot lately about the loneliness of our world. In some ways we have the ability to be closer to the people in our lives than ever before, but I think in a lot of ways we are more disconnected than ever from the people around us. I notice this a lot on campus. Students are no longer capable of walking around by themselves, even just from class to class without pulling out their cell phones. It's like we're almost afraid to just walk by ourselves. And I think it's really becoming detrimental because no one strikes up conversations with strangers anymore. With college kids I think this is huge because rather than get connected to the people physically in their lives, they continue to invest all their time in their old friends and family, making their current surroundings a pretty lonely place. I know not everyone is super outgoing like me, but I think a lot of the time we avert our eyes and pretend we don't see people because we're afraid how people will react if we reach into their world with a greeting. That or we're just too into our own lives to take the step to make a connection with someone else. Admittedly, the East Coast can be a much tougher place to be friendly than the West was. It's just not "normal" to smile and wave at people you pass by. But tonight I decided I wanted to reach beyond it and see what would happen if I really made the effort to greet the people I passed. Now me saying hi to passersby really isn't something new, but this time I made it a challenge. I was going for a walk with my parents (who are out visiting for my fall break) at Valley Forge and I decided to keep track of how many people I could get to say hi to me. In the 5 mile loop we made around the park I managed to get 33 people to say hi and a few more to smile. That's about 95% of the people that responded verbally and of those who couldn't muster up the words I think all but 1 smiled. How great is that?! And after the first couple, my greetings got more confident, my smile easier, and it was just....nice. People want to be reached, to be recognized. And we hold back because we think someone might think we're crazy, that they might be caught up in their own thoughts, that they might take it the wrong way. And really, someone probably will think that. But really most of them will be glad. Through simple gestures we can touch people in a way they may be dying for. When we were finishing our walk it was getting dark and almost no one was left on the trail. But we were running up alongside a road and a girl stuck her head out the window and yelled hello to ME (or more accurately to US) into the wind. And it was my turn to smile. :)

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