Wednesday, October 25, 2006


My car broke down this past Saturday. It was one of those mornings that seemed bad to begin with then just got worse. I was supposed to be at work at 6:30, but thanks to my alarm clock setting incompetence and the fact that I was going on a total of about 10 hours of sleep for the previous three days I didn't wake up until 7:15. It always a horrible thing to be an hour and a half late for work, but infinitely worse when I'm still in the training orientation period. I fought back the tears and tried to calm my irrational fears of being fired on the spot after being deemed a totally useless employee. I was out of the house in five minutes flat, pulling back my hair in the car and trying to appear less like I had just jumped out of bed. I called staffing and explained my situation. Thankfully they were very understanding and even apologetic for not calling since apparently my name hadn't been listed on the schedule. So I continued on, eyeing the clock as I drove. As I turned onto the highway, I pushed my foot down to accelerate....and pushed down some more....all the way to the floor. I mixed out at 40, then horrified watched my speed slowly begin to drop. "Please God, not now," I screamed internally. I pulled into the slow lane and began praying I would make it to the exit in time. By God' s grace I did, cruising down the highway at a lovely 20 mph, praising the Lord everyone else appeared to be sleeping in and the usually busy road was mostly empty. But to realize I was not only late, but was going to have to call out on my third day on the floor was somewhat traumatizing and the tears I had been holding back came. (remember to account for the no sleep factor here). I gathered myself back up, figured out towing and ended up having a pretty restful afternoon. Life happens I guess.
So anyway, all of this was to bring me up to my current point. My intense dislike for taking my car to the shop. Doctor's office? Sure. Dentist? No problem. Mechanic? NOOOOOO!!!! There is no where else in life where I feel so likely to be screwed. I am an assertive, confident, and educated individual, but put me in the realm of auto mechanics and I feel like I might as well walk in and say "Hi, feel free to try and rip me off, Im sure you can." And this ignorance frustrates me more than I can describe. I'm sure my pride is a part of it, but I like being an educated consumer and in this world I just don't have the knowledge, or diagnostic equipment to do that. I try to use the situation to recognize what it must be like for individuals when are uneducated to deal with many of the situations I approach with confidence and ease....but mostly I just hate it. The mechanic wants to charge me a 1000 bucks to fix my car. I wish my dads were here. The little to work or the big one to bargain. However, as that's not about to happen, I instead recruited a male friend to come with me to counteract my femaleness, and hopefully bringing a little more respect and some price reduction. When we went to the shop I fought my urge to be sweet and apologetic, really not even smiling (of you know me the not smiling is BIG) trying to act tough and confident. I think I did I decent job standing my ground, but I'm not sure how much good it did... at least the guy said he would talk to my original mechanic and see if they could work anything out (oh yeah, I actually found one I don't feel like is trying to screw me and they sent me elsewhere... awww man!). So now I'm waiting. And for the future, anyone living in the greater Philadelphia area want to be my handy friend?

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