Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tough Days

So I had an emotional breakdown today; the first one since I got to Pennsylvania almost two months ago. It's been kind of a rough couple days. School suddenly got a lot harder, I realized how much I miss my friends and family, and I had to tell my roommate I'm not renewing my lease. Nothing too horrible, or overwhelming in itself, but when put together and mixed with a serious lack of sleep, it became so.
Yesterday was our first exam of our new 6 week long Med/Surg Nursing Class. We only started class last Wednesday and spent Thursday in the lab and Friday at clinical, so really we'd only had one day of in class lecture. Now I'd thus far been able to score A's with minimal effort so it was quite a shock to be faced with a REALLY hard test. And I bit it. 75%. Totally my fault because I wasn't prepared, and quite possibly it was a good thing since the exam only makes up 10% of my grade, but it gave me the motivation I needed to really get back to being a good student. So I was bummed about that, but took it in stride and remained as optimistic as possible. Then I came home from class and studied my butt off until my roommate got home. We then went for a walk. Not one I was very excited to go on. I decided I'm moving out on Oct 1 in order to be closer to campus. I'm only about 20 minutes away hypothetically, but with traffic it never ends up being less than 1/2 an hour and is usually longer. So when I got the offer from a friend to take the spot of her roommate who's moving out, I jumped. I'm stoked about it (I'll have a dishwasher, pool, and gym and be living with some really cool girls!), but was really bummed to have to tell my roommate. Anyone looking for a place, she's great! She took it well and was understanding, but ugh, I hate doing that kinda stuff.
Today we had a quiz on Cardiovascular stuff. I stayed up late memorizing my signs and symptoms, meds, parameters, contraindications, etc... and felt MUCH more prepared than for yesterday's exam. It turned out to be really tough, and while I did decent, I was putting so much pressure on myself to ace it that I kind of cracked when I realized my stupid mistakes. And the tears began to threaten. So yeah, it was a kind of rough day. The honeymoon stage of moving out here is over, and while I still like it and am so glad this is what I'm doing, life is a little bit tougher. In so many ways I really am like an exchange student here. The subtle differences are becoming more clear and my trip home reminded me just what I left behind. But God is here and after some good sleep I'm sure things will be right with the world again. In the grand scheme, these little things are insignificant. Tomorrow is clinical and we get a chance to try out some of these things we're learning! I love the bike ride to and from the hospital is already a part that I totally look forward to. I beautiful way to start the day! For now, it's study then sleepy time.

1 comment:

beckalippy said...

I am sorry that your day was tough... I wish i had been there to tak eyou out for a great latte!! Just give me a few weeks, and I will do it, okay??