Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sterotypical moments

Do you ever feel like you fit a sterotype to the T? I'm sitting cross-legged on my couch, laptop in front of me with leftover chinese food one side of me and a beer on the other working on my care plan. I feel like a snapshot of a 20-something college student. I think student is one of my favorite roles. When I was in between schools last year, I used to catch myself checking the student box, or talking about school, then I'd be a little bummed when I realized I really wasn't a part of that culture anymore. It's good to be back. I'm not quite sure why I love it so much, since it usually means I sleep a lot less, constantly have papers and projects looming in the back of my mind, and have to fight to have any kind of life outside of school (let's face it, this time around there's not much of one). But I do. I like learning, I love discovering the connection between the stuff we go over in the classroom and the real world. I like the combination of stressful and laidback times. It's a good place. And of course come next summer I'll be dying to be done with it. Go figure.

1 comment:

beckalippy said...

YEah, Ash and I talk about Poly more than what would be considered normal or healthy. Those good ol' years.
Five days babe!