Monday, September 18, 2006

My blog vacation

So I started this blog to let people know what I was doing in Peru and just sort of continued it as I left South America and headed across the US for school. While sharing the news of my life was the initial intent, it soon became kind of a therapeutic thing for me, to get my thoughts, deep and not so deep down on paper. Then the second half of my summer came on strong and my neighbor, who's internet connection that I conveniently "borrowed," moved away and I inadvertently took a little blog vacation. You know I sometimes wonder who would want to read the random thoughts and occurrences that are my life, but during the month or so that I've not been writing, I keep having people asking me when I'm going to post already. So here I am! Back with my little life for your pleasure. I could try and recap all the you've missed, but I think I'll just pic up where we are now. I moved this weekend into a new place with my friends Melanie, Meg, and Donna. And I'm LOVING it. I get to cook for people, and hug them whenever I want. Which basically means my Kallie needs are met :) I'm closer to school, to friends, and I feel like my whole self is just relaxed and happier. Then again, that might also have to do with the fact that the weather has gotten gorgeous. Fall is creeping in and I love it. We've had an amazing combination of rainy days that make me want to snuggle up with blankets books and movies and beautiful sunny, weather that makes me want to run outside. I can hardly wait for the colors to turn here. There will be some major picture taking for sure. Ok, well this is random and not super exciting, so I'm going to say goodbye for now, but hello to all, I'm back. And if you're one of those who's been wondering where I've been, post some comments already and I'll keep in touch!

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