Monday, December 25, 2006
'Tis The Season
Why is it that I do this? Lord knows I'm so far from perfect myself! So why is being home, while it has it's moments of wonderfulness, so difficult? I think a lot of it lies in my own expectations. I seem to have a very selective memory when it comes to my family. Some of the truth in the term "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is not just in that we miss people, but that we tend to (or at least I tend to) grasp onto the good things and let the conflicts, annoyances, disappointments, etc. be pushed out of my mind. So then I have this fairy tale picture of how great things always are in my mind. I have baskets full of those moments of wonderfulness and when I arrive home to remember that my family only resembles the Brady Bunch in our finest moments, it is suddenly becomes much more difficult. We hurt each other, we disappoint each other, and I often end up wondering where the Christmases of our childhood went. We try and balance the many people and places we're supposed to visit and and the excitement about seeing everyone is strained in the light that we can't possibly please everyone. And I'm learning that as a grown-up, holidays are hard. Still good, and still anticipated, but often a struggle.
All that said, I continue to love this holiday. There is nothing quite like hanging out with all of my brothers and sisters. The bunch grows larger every year and with it the laughter. Even though our humanity can get in the way at times, we really do love each other. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of One who can heal all hurts, One from whom grace and mercy overflows. I praise God that amidst the difficulties that the holiday brings, it more importantly brings Christ. Amidst all my own imperfections it brings my Redeemer. And I praise him that it will continue to be a time to be with my family. I am so thankful for this big, loud, wonderful messy collection of people that accepts and forgives me even when I probably don't deserve it. Lord help us love each other better.
Merry Christmas Everyone! May the Love, Peace, and Joy of the Lord fill you to overflowing this holiday season
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Missing Pennsylvania

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Small Town Life
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Another day in my charmed life
1. Read an entire novel
2. Watched "Little Miss Sunshine"
3. Caught some old episodes of "The Office"
4. Listened to my favorite music
5. Ate ice cream and Chicago deep dish pizza
6. Had conversations with 5 people I didn't know
7. Did Soduku puzzles
I mean, really that makes a pretty fantastic day! Those are the types of things I felt mostly guilty doing for the last 7 months as I've been knee deep in nursing school. I have definitely had some fun during my time in PA, but usually lurking somewhere in the back of my mind is that thought that I should be studying or writing something or other. However, when spending the entire day in airports and on planes, there is little opportunity to do anything but read, watch movies, eat, listen to music and talk to people. So I let myself relax and enjoy it and it was wonderful.
Still, I have yet to mention what was by far the best part of my day. I recieved an unexpected gift from United Airlines. My second plane from Chicago to Sacramento was overbooked and they needed volunteers to take a later flight. Seeing that my schedule is about as relazed as it comes for the next coupe weeks, I offered to do so, and for hanging out a couple extra hours was rewarded an emergency exit row seat and I free round-trip ticket anywhere in the US... I'm sure this had NOTHING to do with why I was enjoying myself so much yesterday ;) !
When I woke up this morning, the blessings just seemed to continue. Firstly, I got up at 11:30...California time. I actually woke up before that, but in the beauty of vacation was able to snuggle back down in my flannel sheets and mess of blankets for a few more hours. When I finally got up, I came up the stairs where I was greeted with a roaring fire, a hug and my dad asking what I wanted for breakfast, "Waffles, pancakes, french toast?" Crepes! I sat down and my breakfast appeared in front of me, along with a steaming cup of coffee. I ate my delicious crepes, feeling somewhat like a princess and took my coffee with me to a lovely spot by the fire and Christmas tree, where I read and journaled for about an hour and a half. I then showered and my dad took me out to the movies. Pampered! I think if I ever find a guy like him, I'd marry him in about 5 seconds. It's good to be home:)
Monday, December 18, 2006
D-U-N Done!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
For the Record
Monday, December 11, 2006
One of my new faves
So Pat Robitaille has recently been added to the list of my favorite singer/songwriters. I found out about him from my friend Dave and immediately loved his stuff. His music is soulful and soothing and reminds me of being on the swings at Avila, or wading into the river in Coloma. I was pretty surprised to find out Pat's just a 20 year old kid from Canada and unfortunately he's only touring up there right now. I figure maybe if we give him some props down here we can spread the name and maybe he'll decide to set up some shows in the US. Check him out :)
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Finals? What?

Following a delightful afternoon, I headed over to Villanova for the game vs. Drexel. Can I just tell you how much I love going to college basketball games again? It was admittedly a somewhat painful game to watch, so I
Despite the greatness of Saturday, by far the highlight of the weekend was coming into covenant at my church liberti. Let me phrase that in normal people language: I joined my amazing church today! I am so stoked to be a part of this body of imperfect believers striving after the heart of Christ. They are what makes

I've included pics from the cookie swap for your viewing pleasure!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My brain is full
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Do you fit the bill?
You Might Be Emerging If...
You're Probably Obsessing About Calvinism If...
Thanks for sharing Becka :)
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Today I:
- Had an interview in a car
- Ate a pomegranate that turned my mouth purple
- Thought about how much people's feelings toward me affect my feelings toward them
- Lost my glasses and couldn't find them because I didn't have my glasses
- Had an 87 year old patient tell me I was old when I told her I was 23
- Talked to the people in my elevator
- Was asked how tall I was and if I play basketball 8 times
- Ate dinner with a family
- Had a missing package delivered to my house
- Contemplated why we so often fail to love each other well
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
My Primetime Addiction
And what's more, I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. Two of my roommates watch Survivor instead. I don't understand. I mean, The Office has Alliances PLUS Scranton, Dundies, and Bird Funerals. I do get that some of you might not have had the chance yet to fall in love with this American treasure (ok, maybe only half American since we stole it from Britain) which is why I'm offering you the opportunity to experience the awkwardness that has us loyal followers starry eyed. Dinner and seasons 1 and 2. My house. Friday. Level of experience required: none! Faithful viewers welcome. Ok, so most of you reading this are probably not in PA, but if you want to check it out, I'll bring my dvd's home at Christmas and catch you up :)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Overwhelmed by Love
Saturday, November 18, 2006
The attraction of FREE

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The Right to Die
I'm learning that it is often more heroic to let someone go than to try and save them. When life has lost it's quality and there is no longer any goodness and dignity why do we continue to prolong the inevitable? And when does medicine move from using the gifts God has given us to playing God? However did man gain the ability to not just to decide when to take live, but also when to give it? I've always known, or at least for some time now that I wouldn't want to be kept alive when my quality of life has deteriorated to the point where everything that makes me ME has gone away.
Yet as much as these circumstances bother me, I also feel I must recognize that saving or ending lives is not nearly as cut and dry as I once thought. And it brings me to questions like, "How do we quantify life?", "What is the greatest good we can do?", "What would I be willing to put upon my family and what would I undertake if it was one of them?", "Is there a reason to be alive if one can no longer LIVE life?"
I don't have the answers. I am finding that my views of death are changing though. It is always sad, especially for those left behind, but I recognize that it is a natural event, a necessary part of life...and that for many the right choice.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
HIV/AIDS in Africa

Saturday, November 11, 2006
10 Ways I Know I'm a Nursing Student

- I am fully comfortable talking about whatever bodily function you want to throw at me (and likely have already had to clean it up)
- I can't help but assess the gait of people walking in front of me and mentally note anything outside of normal limits.
- I ask people to tell me about their feelings and will often tell you about my own on a scale of 1 to 10.
- I think of Villanova as one very old building (St. Mary's---where all of my classes are) and forget that it's actually a large, beautiful campus
- I speak in nursing diagnoses: " blah blah blah related to dooby doo as evidenced by this, that and the other thing"
- Every time I go to the bathroom I have a moment of appreciation that I get to do it by myself and no one needs to come in to measure it.
- I was really excited when my roommate had surgery and asked for my help in assessing her drainage and swelling....on her butt (and by the fact that she unabashedly asked me to do this can you tell she's a nursing student!?!)
- I think it's fun to give shots
- I wear ugly white shoes because they're comfortable
- Every time I stand up too fast and get lightheaded (which usually happens at least once a day) all of my friends yell, "ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Grace and Strength
Lately I'm finding a lot of peace in just how screwed up I am. I spend so much of my life trying to be my own Savior; trying to prove my righteousness to man, carrying the weight of all of my failings on my shoulders. I think I'm in charge of making my life good and if I don't make things happen, no one will. I let myself get sucked into the lie that God's plan for me might not be enough. And in it I underestimate my sin and in doing so give God credit for very little. But lately, I've really began to see anew and maybe even on a whole new level how incredibly huge my sin really is and with that have been able to recognize how much bigger than that even is God's grace. I am preaching the Gospel to myself again and am standing in awe of my King. I am broken. And it makes my heart burst with joy. His strength has come in my weakness and in admitting I'm in pieces, not at all together the love I feel is overflowing. Funny that it's such an epiphany to remember I'm not the center of the universe :)
So what's all this coming from? I just got back from liberti's in-covenant retreat this past weekend. I don't think I've really blogged about liberti, which is somewhat shocking considering the incredible blessing it has been in my life during my time here in Pennsylvania. I originally attended because it was close to where I was picking up the bed I found on craigslist for $50 (probably the most comfortable $50 purchase ever, thank you couple moving to Arizona). It's in the city, so a big part of me wanted to not want to go there. But I don't think I've ever felt so drawn to be part of a community. The heart of the church seems to match the desires my own heart seeks to live out Gods love and the pull to be a part of what they are doing is enough to make me want to stay in Philadelphia. So the retreat this past weekend was for people looking to find out more about the church to to determine if they are going to join....yes, much cooler than the traditional church membership classes. About 30 of us went up to the Poconos where we not only learned about liberti, but about each other, attempting to share ourselves in real ways. My pastor Geoff urged us to share our "spiritual journeys" and what brought us where we are today rather than just sharing what we do and "the lies we like to tell about ourselves." I don't think of myself as a liar very often. Truth be told I'm pretty crappy at lying. But I was made aware of how often I only present parts of my story, my life, the feelings behind my circumstances in a way that makes me look good...or at least better than I really am. I'll give the parts of me that I think are easy to deal with and hold back the rest. I feel like I'm having to retrain myself to offer people the broken me. The one so in need of grace. And at times it strikes fear into my heart. But the sense of liberation from the feeling that somehow I'm going to be found out, the loving grace that is shown, and the realization that my brothers and sisters are just as broken as me, well, it's showing me how very worth it it is. It's late and I have an exam tomorrow, and I'm not even sure if this is making sense anymore so I think that means it's time for sleep. Goodnight.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Swirling leaves and breathlessness
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I like...
Sitting on high places and swinging my feet.
Drinking through straws
Laughs that are so great you can't help but smile
Anything in a bread bowl
Friends that get me
Being broken and feeling like God is right there beside me
Being warmed by the sun
Realizing I could really be happy almost anywhere
Songs that bring overwhelming emotion
I wonder...
at how the world can be so huge and so small at the same time
how much coincidences are just that
when it becomes overanalyzing
at how much God loves us
at how quickly I forget to love others
why we would rather stay in unhealthy patterns that we know than try better ones that are unknown
if I really want life to make sense
God is holding me close these days. Life feels like a big question mark, but his peace surrounds me. In him I find rest. And it's good.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Congratulations Leigh and Matt!

This quick blog is dedicated to the delightful Leigh Lingnofski. My lovely roommate Leigh got engaged this past weekend! In reality we haven't been roommates for over a year and a half now, but once you've earned the title, you never lose it. Congratulations Leigh and Matt! May God bless you bunches!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
So anyway, all of this was to bring me up to my current point. My intense dislike for taking my car to the shop. Doctor's office? Sure. Dentist? No problem. Mechanic? NOOOOOO!!!! There is no where else in life where I feel so likely to be screwed. I am an assertive, confident, and educated individual, but put me in the realm of auto mechanics and I feel like I might as well walk in and say "Hi, feel free to try and rip me off, Im sure you can." And this ignorance frustrates me more than I can describe. I'm sure my pride is a part of it, but I like being an educated consumer and in this world I just don't have the knowledge, or diagnostic equipment to do that. I try to use the situation to recognize what it must be like for individuals when are uneducated to deal with many of the situations I approach with confidence and ease....but mostly I just hate it. The mechanic wants to charge me a 1000 bucks to fix my car. I wish my dads were here. The little to work or the big one to bargain. However, as that's not about to happen, I instead recruited a male friend to come with me to counteract my femaleness, and hopefully bringing a little more respect and some price reduction. When we went to the shop I fought my urge to be sweet and apologetic, really not even smiling (of you know me the not smiling is BIG) trying to act tough and confident. I think I did I decent job standing my ground, but I'm not sure how much good it did... at least the guy said he would talk to my original mechanic and see if they could work anything out (oh yeah, I actually found one I don't feel like is trying to screw me and they sent me elsewhere... awww man!). So now I'm waiting. And for the future, anyone living in the greater Philadelphia area want to be my handy friend?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Because pictures are FUN!
What I do know is that it makes me both love and be totally overwhelmed at the thought of becoming a nurse. One of my favorite ways to procrastinate as of late is to look at pediatric grad nurse programs across the country. And I'm realizing even more now than when I first began that I can work anywhere. That is mind boggling. How do I even begin? It it thrilling. I can begin anywhere. Anybody have any suggestions? (Mom, I know, UCDavis)
On a more concrete note, I'm back in school after Fall Break and life is good. I made it through classroom training and onto the floor at my new job and am fascinated by the traumatic brain injury patients I'm working with. Rehab is proving to be an entirely different world from acute care, with lots of independence promoting activities and the opportunity to see patient's condition improve rather than digress. My psych nursing skills are coming in handy and my biggest challenge so far seems to be in remaining serious when patients respond in very silly ways. At the same time, it pulls on my heart strings to see patients that have had their lives changed in an instant. Twenty-somethings that will never again have their eyes shine and smiles flash like they do in the photographs that adorn their walls. This past Friday, I was feeling the weight of loss, anger at the injustice after reading the chart of a young college student who had gone into cardiac arrest while playing a pick up game with friends. Seeing such young potential snatched, I found myself asking, "How does it happen God?" I didn't get my answer, but I did get my reminder that God was there. Fifteen or so students, friends of the patient came through the door. They had taken their fall break to fly across the country to visit their friend. They gathered around the bed with love, laughter, and compassion. Then they took turns visiting personally while the rest went into the therapy room, one with a guitar in hand, to sing songs of praise to our God. And He was near. In another room I found a family praying. And He was near. And we bathed a patient that night with Jesus tatooed on his arm. And He was near. And the sadness subsided, when I remembered yet again that there is a world beyond this one in which we live.
Monday, October 09, 2006
If you are getting ready to cross the street at a crosswalk and see a car speeding toward you, you should:
a) continue crossing since you are a pedestrian and have the right of way
b) stop and wait for the car to pass
c) send the largest person out first so the car will stop to avoid body damage
d) both a&c
And if by some chance the question is actually going to require some thought, don't worry because it most assuredly will be discussed and worked through as a group. So what do I do? I squirm and change positions about a million times, I try and find things to take notes about just so there's something to do, I doodle, and I daydream my way on out.... but today I was in orientation with just myself and ONE other person! Daydreaming and doodling are out the window. Sigh.
I'm trying to keep with my usual positive outlook and remember that there are only 2 more days of this (ok, so that's a lie, there are 4, but only 2 more this week) then I get to do a great job. The place I'm working at is a rehab hospital and the facilities are amazing. On top of all the typical hospital stuff they have huge training gyms, a greenhouse where patients can go plant flowers and do projects, aquatics, hair dressers, and all kinds of environments and devices to help people regain and/or relearn skills. The staff are friendly, the environment soothing and while I might not learn tons in orientation, I certainly will on the floor. Yeah, it's gonna be good :)
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Friendliness :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Ethiopian Food
1) You get to eat with your hands
2) It's served on communal platters
We've been doing a series on community at church lately, so when we were discussing options for a social night, it seemsed like the perfect call. And it turned out to be a blast! Our home groups are done by location and an Ethiopian restuarant was half a block down from where we usually meet. I'm a little bit sad because tonight was my last night meeting in West Philly since I've moved and it is no longer the closest to me. That group has been such a huge blessing in my life since moving out here, and we have grown especially close in the last month or so. A few other girls are moving as well, so it was a night of farewell's for more than just me. I say this like we're moving across country, but we'll still be seeing each other every Sunday and hopefully hanging out on top of that :)! Tonight we laughed and chatted, shared the good and bad going on in our lives and ate lamb, chicken, beef, and veggies with our spongy bread and our hands. Good times.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Pain and Escape
Monday, September 18, 2006
My blog vacation
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
It's been awhile!
So my sister cam out to visit me on my break and we had a great combo of relaxing and outing filled days. I'll post some pics, of our adventures to spice this place up a little bit. We had a great time hanging out and playing tourists.
So I've decided I'm going on a bit of a spending diet. Not that I've been spending tons since I got out here but I think I'm going to simplify even more and avoid extra treats until I find some employment. It's actually kind of fun. Is it weird that I sort of like being poor? Of course there is the occasional anxiety, especially with all the big checks for school, insurance, and 100+ degree air conditioning that I've been writing lately, but there is a lot of pleasure in living simply. Yeah, it probably a good thing, since I also like working with poor people and as a result don't expect to make a ton. There's a special about Operation Smile on tonight, and it just makes me feel so inspired. The organization sends medical staff all over the world to operate on children with facial deformities. So Cool! I'm not quite sure where exactly I'll end up nursing, but I just dig that I'm going into a career where I can spend my whole life helping people.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Movie moments...or maybe not :)

So I'm wondering if I'll ever get used to this Pennsylvania weather. It seems like we're in a constant state of influx with humidty coming and going and the heat raising and receding. This morning was one of the best rides to work I've had thus far. The air was cool and clean, the sky blue. A great day to be riding my bike. But in typical PA fashion the weather changed and by 2:30 when it was time to leave the skies had turned gray and it had begun to rain. It was still warm out and not coming down very hard, so I decided to bike home anyway, turning down the ride offers made by friends. I got on my bike and pedaled out and found myself really enjoying the cool rain on my face, enough to make the humidity bearable. I was getting a little wet, but seeing that I was just going home, it didn't matter. I was having a Singing in the Rain moment. The world was good, I was carefree. And then the skies unleashed and I was in the middle of flash flood-style rain. It was coming down so hard I was instantly drenched, with water dripping in my eyes so fast I could barely see. I found myself laughing out loud at how incredibly unromantic and un-fairy-tale-like my ride had suddenly become. People in their cars looked at me like I was crazy, my shoes were beginning to squish and I was praying the papers in my bag and the MP3 player in my pocket would survive until I got home. Well, the electronics survived, but the papers looked like they'd been through the wash. Oh well, thank goodness I didn't have to write up a care plan this week! I stripped off my clothes in my entryway, confining the puddle action to one area of my house and took them staight to the washer. So I made it. And I'm pretty sure I'm gonna drive tomorrow :-)
Saturday, August 05, 2006
A break from the heat
It's afternoon now and it has heated up a bit outside, but the humidity has resided for now at least, so I'm still a happy camper. Maybe the good feeling will remain through my study session...let's hope!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Busyness and Peace
Everyday I discover more and more things that reassure me it's where I belong for the time being. I kind of wondered before I arrived what it would be like and if I was making the right decision going to the other side of the country, and the same city where my ex lives just for nursing school. While he wasn't the only reason I was looking into Philly, it was a hugely influential factor at the beginning...but I think it was in the plan for me to get out here and the means God uses to accomplish his will rarely make sense to me. I actually talked to Mike for the first time since I've been out here just a few days ago. And admittedly, I was taken aback that I could enjoy talking to him without being overwhelmed by any feelings, good or bad. I think we might actually be friends. Funny that it happened just a bit of time after I became absolutely certain that wasn't a possibility for us.
In so many areas of my life, I think I'm tired of asking why, what if, and dwelling in the past or thinking tons about the future. I feel like lately, I'm too tired to do anything but trust God. Things have worked out for His glory and my good thus far, so I'm just trying to dwell in his promises and laugh liberally at the weirdness that is often my life. We read this psalm last night and home group and it brought peace to my soul. I don't need all the why's, I just need
Psalm 131
My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.
Awe, rest, peace, and trust...Amen to that.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
School stress and exciting life-changing and somewhat exhausting thoughts
But really, even though school is my life right now and sucking away all of my energy, my mind seems to have something of its own going on and my thoughts just never seem to stop. I can't even seem to turn it off when I lay down at night, which isn't something common for me. I am usually out at horizantal. It's like I'm on the edge of something great, some big realization about my life and my purpose but I'm not quite there yet. I'm fighting with all of these ethical debates lately in my head and trying not to get disgusted with America and the way we spend our time and our money. I feel like the needs of the downtrodden, here and around the world are overwhelming me and all I see is Americans throwing there money away on status symbols, toys, and other things of the material nature that they just don't need. I grew up the 'princess' in my family, but over the course of the last few months I've realized luxury is rarely worth the cost. I can't pinpoint exactly where it all began because it seems like all of the many things I've seen, experienced, read in the last few months are guiding me to a totally different kind of existence. I like being poor. I like being with other poor people. I have a friend who lives in a town outside of Philly that's considered pretty ghetto. Essentially, it's poorer, more dangerous, more diverse. But I go there and I feel like it's so much more real than the plastic smile feeling of new track housing developments. Poeple are suffering in both areas, from very different problems, but I love the genuity that having to rely on other people brings and I guess I feel like suburbia has isolated so many of us from our neighbors. I want community. And I'll take the good with the bad, the danger with the chance to really become involved in lives and make ugly places beautiful, the poverty with the richness that comes from knowing I'm really living like Jesus. I used to think that really becoming a good Christian, really figuring out how to live took constant study, but I don't really think that anymore. Of course I still love to read the great theologians because it's challenging, historical, motivating and a myriad of other things, but it's not the way I'm going to become a good Christian. That's back to being like Jesus. And his recipe is simple. Love God, love people, live like Me. Wicked hard to actually do, but no amount of reading books is going to be what makes me more like Him. I'm the one living my life. Yes, I need the Bible to hear God's words for me and know him more, and to let him work in me and through me, but living a life of love doesn't require that I know everything. I learned what love was the day I was born, more when I met God and even more each time I experience it. I'd say that's enough of a knowledge base to begin devoting my life to it.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Sterotypical moments
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Waiting on Love
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
And the good days that inevitably follow
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Tough Days
Yesterday was our first exam of our new 6 week long Med/Surg Nursing Class. We only started class last Wednesday and spent Thursday in the lab and Friday at clinical, so really we'd only had one day of in class lecture. Now I'd thus far been able to score A's with minimal effort so it was quite a shock to be faced with a REALLY hard test. And I bit it. 75%. Totally my fault because I wasn't prepared, and quite possibly it was a good thing since the exam only makes up 10% of my grade, but it gave me the motivation I needed to really get back to being a good student. So I was bummed about that, but took it in stride and remained as optimistic as possible. Then I came home from class and studied my butt off until my roommate got home. We then went for a walk. Not one I was very excited to go on. I decided I'm moving out on Oct 1 in order to be closer to campus. I'm only about 20 minutes away hypothetically, but with traffic it never ends up being less than 1/2 an hour and is usually longer. So when I got the offer from a friend to take the spot of her roommate who's moving out, I jumped. I'm stoked about it (I'll have a dishwasher, pool, and gym and be living with some really cool girls!), but was really bummed to have to tell my roommate. Anyone looking for a place, she's great! She took it well and was understanding, but ugh, I hate doing that kinda stuff.
Today we had a quiz on Cardiovascular stuff. I stayed up late memorizing my signs and symptoms, meds, parameters, contraindications, etc... and felt MUCH more prepared than for yesterday's exam. It turned out to be really tough, and while I did decent, I was putting so much pressure on myself to ace it that I kind of cracked when I realized my stupid mistakes. And the tears began to threaten. So yeah, it was a kind of rough day. The honeymoon stage of moving out here is over, and while I still like it and am so glad this is what I'm doing, life is a little bit tougher. In so many ways I really am like an exchange student here. The subtle differences are becoming more clear and my trip home reminded me just what I left behind. But God is here and after some good sleep I'm sure things will be right with the world again. In the grand scheme, these little things are insignificant. Tomorrow is clinical and we get a chance to try out some of these things we're learning! I love the bike ride to and from the hospital is already a part that I totally look forward to. I beautiful way to start the day! For now, it's study then sleepy time.
Monday, July 10, 2006
I love wikihow
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Freshening Up
A content heart and wild spirit
Saturday, June 24, 2006
The most difficult easy answer
Spending the day by myself is something that I love, and need to do every once in awhile. This comes a a surprise for some, because I thrive being around people. But I find that when I spend time alone I can ask God the questions instead of people and actually give him time to answer. And lately, I feel like I'm looking for lots of answers. More now than ever before in my life I'm feeling conflict in the desires I have for my life. Before, my goals and dreams for my life, the things I felt called toward all seemed to fit together, but lately I find myself imagining two lives for myself and I'm not quite sure which route I'm meant to take. I'd like to say that in time God will make it clear, but I sometimes wonder if he already has and it's really just my own selfish desires that keep me from fully letting go of "the American dream" and adopting a life that seems so much more in line with really living out what I believe. Do you ever start to feel like you know too much to continue living the way you always have? Like, how can I live the extravagant American lifestyle (believe me, all of us who consider ourselves middle class or above here in the US live extravagantly) when I know what that kids are dying everyday as a result of poverty, war, lack of adequate medical access, etc. I mean, 30,000 kids die everyday from starvation, I'm not naive enough to think that I could singlehandedly bring about the end to any of this, but I do wonder how I could possibly choose a life of comfort when I know my profession will give me the opportunity to love these kids in an amazing way. I've been reading this book lately called, "Irresistable Revolution," by Shane Claiborne, which has caused me to really re-evaluate a lot of things about my life and my future plans. It's not a hard book to read in a literal sense. Shane is totally conversational and straightforward, but it challenges me so much and really, in many ways makes me uncomfortable, and I find that I can only handle so much of it before I have to put it down. Now Shane calls himself and "everyday radical" and I find part of me really wanting to write him off as just that because it would just make the whole thing so much easier. While it's true that there are some things about what he says that I don't neccessarily agree with, there is a lot that he seems to hit right on in a way that rocks my world to the very foundation. And the phrase that continues to rebound through my head is, "how now shall we live?" Or more accurately, how now shall I live? Why is it so many people see Christians as judgemental and hypocritical instead of those who live to serve and show love? More and more I'm realizing, while the question is sad, the answer is obvious. Actions speak louder than words. We say we want to live like Jesus, but very few of us actually do. And I don't mean very few of actually do live like Jesus, I mean very few of us truly even want to. Jesus lived among the poor. He didn't just minister to them, he was them. He gave away the best of everything he had right down to his heavenly inheritance for people who treated him like crap. He gave ALL he had to give. Not the leftovers. Not the extras. How many of us really want to live like that? My soul cries for it and fear racks me at the thought of actually doing it. And this folks, is my conflict. With my career I will have the means to live a life of luxury and the option to save those in the poorest, most destitute of now shall I live?
Monday, June 19, 2006
Strawberries, Amish, and my fun newfound friends
This weekend I took off to Lancaster County (that's "Lank-a-stir" with a nice philly accent) to see the Amish. I went with two friends from class, one from around here who played tour guide and another from New Hampshire. Both of us out of staters were beyond excited to share our road with buggies and see kids in their cute Amish garb hanging out in front of their homes. Even before we left our car the trip seemed worth it. The names of the towns are unreal. First you pass through Blue Ball, then through Intercourse, and finally you reach Paradise!!! WHAT?! Yes, we were throughly entertained. Especially when we discovered that Intercourse was hosting an OB/GYN conference. There are no words :) Though the Amish were amazing and the homemade pretzels and lemonade delish, quite possibly the highlight of the day was the strawberry eating contest. Much to our delight Intercourse was having their annual Berry Festival and to celebrate there was an open strawberry eating contest. The entrance fee was only two bucks to we decided to check it out. When we learned it was time and not quantity and that only 3 people were signed up, Meg (New Hampshire) and I decided to join and Julia volunteered to take the pictures. We strolled around for a bit, then came back to test our eating abilities. By then there were 7 contestants and we watched them cover the bottoms of plates with quartered strawberries. We were called up, took our seats, and they proceeded to completely cover the plates with whipped cream. Rules: Everything must be eaten and hands have to stay behind your back. Ok, so if you know me, I love getting things on my face when I'm eating, so the idea of being covered in whipped cream really appealed to me. Oh yeah, AND I WON!!! Meg came in a close second with only 4 strawberry quarters left. I ended up getting a $25 gift certificate to this little jams and jellies place, so we were all able to get some jams, apple butters, and salsas...yum! All in all it was a lot of fun and stinkin hilarious. W e decided we have to go back next year to defend the title...well Meg says I'm going down next year, but I'll take her again. After cruisin the amish farmer's market and looking around a bit more we came back home and I went straight to my friend Mel's house to leave again for another adventure. She invited me to spend Father's Day with her and her fam, so I got to eat good food, play with kids, and see yet another part of this beautiful state. Yeah, it's hot and humid, but it's amazingly green, and people sit out on their porches and play checkers and drink lemonade. I'm charmed. So here's some pics from the weekend so you can feel like you're being won over by this state and it's people with me.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Puzzle Pieces
Are you ever overwhelmed with the way the many facets of your life seem to converge? I feel like my life is this series of puzzle pieces being laid down before my eyes. When they are sitting there alone and separate I am almost always confused and curious about the whys of it all...huh, I guess "puzzled" would be the appropriate word. Eventually though, the seemingly separate pieces begin to interlock and the reasons for the people, places, experiences, hello's and goodbye's in my life begin to make sense. Today I was hit with some of the strongest situational irony I've experienced in a long time and I felt like I was living some sort of movie. I found myself laughing at the incredible and endlessly amusing ways God works. I don't really think much of what I'm writing makes sense since I'm leaving out all specifics and speaking in vague generalizations. I'll probably explain it more clearly in the future, but for now there's a lot I have to work out in my head. Suffice to say, God has a plan and it is evident in every experience of my life. To Him be the glory.