So it has been a pretty fantastic weekend. Likely because I've totally been in denial that finals week is upon me. This afternoon reality began to set in, but at least I managed to squeeze in some festive fun first. It began yesterday with a Christmas Cookie Swap and luncheon I did with some of my favorite ladies. For the past couple of years my friends at home have hosted a cookie swap, and obligations and/or distance always seems to get in the way of my going. So I decided rather than be bummed about missing it again, I would throw one of my own! I usually need to throw at least one holiday part to fulfill my need for Christmas music, eggnog, and and holiday spirit and it

seemed the perfect choice (though last year's ugly Christmas sweater party still holds a dear place in my heart). It turned out great! Ended up that the majority of the girls who came were not experienced bakers, but they rose to the challenge and arrived with an abundant array of delectable treats! I was so proud! We embraced our domestic-ness and girliness, and Charis decided after her first cookie-making experience that maybe she should open her own bakery. "I would wear old t-shirts, and have flour in my hair, and people could just come and eat and it would be a place they could just hang out. I would serve love, and justice, and baked things. And we'd be right next door to a florist, so there would be fresh flowers on all the tables, and the florist and I would trade flowers and treats. Wouldn't that be great?" I love it :)
Following a delightful afternoon, I headed over to Villanova for the game vs. Drexel. Can I just tell you how much I love going to college basketball games again? It was admittedly a somewhat painful game to watch, so I

won't go into details except to say our defense was a little lacking and the refs were not the best in the world. Still, I have faith they'll step it up! It's kind of cool to get free tickets to games people are on 15 year long waiting lists for :)
Despite the greatness of Saturday, by far the highlight of the weekend was coming into covenant at my church liberti. Let me phrase that in normal people language: I joined my amazing church today! I am so stoked to be a part of this body of imperfect believers striving after the heart of Christ. They are what makes

me want to stay in this city. The fact that it was followed by a hug buffet of course was great too!
I've included pics from the cookie swap for your viewing pleasure!

Thanks for sharing, maybe some year we can swap cookies!
Now I'm even more sad that I missed out on that. Booo for WTS and their darn finals.
maybe I'll just bring you some home mom:). i guess we'll just have to do one at our house next year denise...oh my, did I just make a future comment?!
you did, you did! i caught you. you made a future reference. yes!
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