But I miss Philadelphia. And not just the things that make it home like my friends, my church, my studies, my roommates, nor the things that make it beautiful like its history, architecture, diversity, culture, etc. I miss the "realities" of a city in dire need of help. Realities like poverty, crime, discrimination; things that remind me how much I need to be praying and working for the things Jesus was all about. I realize just how very much I want to be a part of positive change in this city in particular.
Thoughts about staying in the area after graduation started a couple months. It actually began with church. I would leave on Sundays so wanting to be a part of liberti's action in the city that I would think, "That's it, I'm staying here!" In the beginning the thoughts faded quickly, and by the time I drove home, my mind had moved on to other things. But then the ideas began to linger and move from fleeting thoughts, to possible plans. The after church ponderings lasted longer and local hospitals began to gain appeal. Was this something I could really consider? When I arrived in Pennsylvania, I had intended to leave as soon as I finish my program. The prayers began. As a girl who's started over numerous times within the last few years, moving has gained appeal. It's exciting. And I love excitement. But staying, for me that's harder. My generation is good at excitement...not nearly as good at commitment. But more and more my ideas about Colorado, Texas, and the Northwest, have been replaced with thoughts about CHOP, Fairmount, and building upon my new found relationships. When I met some lovely ladies on the liberti retreat with ideas similar to my own, I voiced some of my tentative thoughts about staying and excitement about the idea has only been growing since then.
All the while however, I've had this back up plan of elsewhere. I've had the "Philly would be great, but I guess I could always do ---- too." The "I'll interview around to keep my options open." But the truth is, I don't think I want to keep my options open. I am drawn to Philadelphia and it becomes shockingly apparent as I'm back here. I'm finally surrounded by all the things and people I've missed for so long and while I'm cherishing the moments, part of me can't wait to get back. I see friendliness here and I love it, but I find myself thinking, "Wow, there's quite a bit of smiles and friendliness here, Philadelphia definitely needs mine more." So yet again, Kalie's thoughts about her future do not equal God's thoughts...but I'm pretty excited with where He's taking me :)
1 comment:
Once again I am amazed that you and I seem to face such similar challenges in our lives, in so many ways. In the month two huge opportunities have come up to leave Santiago, teh huge inpersonal polluted city I live in, and yet somehow God seems to be keeping me here. Who knows, I might still leave, but I agree with you on one thing for sure (and Lord knows we only agree on ONE thing in this world! jk!) But I agree that our generation is really good at doing the "exciting" thing. But what if God just wants us to stay put for a year or two, or five or thirty? Anyways, babe, you are in my prayers. I love you and I am praying that God makes His amazing and exhillarating will clear to you. You are loved dearly by this litle chilena.
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