Today I received Mystery Gift #2. A calendar with all my favorite folks from The Office! Here's proof that posting about your problems really can lead to solutions! Whoever sent this, thank you, thank you! If you're not in my family I probably want to marry you. Ok, maybe that's a little far, but the point is I was stoked. It's already on the wall and spreading cheer around the room. It fits the calendar spot perfectly and is a nice replacement for the undersized free endangered species calendar that was holding its place. Thanks again for rocking my world.
Nice, for those of us not as lucky as you in the mystery gift department, I hope you will post the pictures every month! I particularly enjoyed this week's episode.
It was my amazing brother this time! How cool is my family?! For those of you who don't know, you can't buy this calendar anywhere because it totally sold out and they didn't make anymore. It required some work to find even on ebay which shows you just how great my bro is. Love you Wal.
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