I woke up at 8:30 this morning to the sound of my doorbell ringing. My roommates both left for work early, so I was the only one home...and I was so snug in my wonderful bed and super soft flannel sheets. I lay there for a moment contemplating whether or not to answer the door. Curious about who was coming around at that time of day and recognizing that I was going to have to get up in half an hour anyway, I reluctantly pulled back the covers, threw on a sweatshirt and heading upstairs to answer the door. When I arrived, no one was there, but a Fed Ex package with my name on it was sitting on the stoop. When I opened the package I found this beautiful crabby t-shirt, somewhat appropriate since I was not quite ready to be up yet:) But there was no clue as to who sent it! There are a few people I could have seen it coming from, but I've ruled them all out and I'm mystified. So whoever you are, thanks for the shirt. I was cracking up and you made my morning....and made me want to eat crab.
Big Dad?
I have one of those shirts.
I wear it when necessary.
I can't wait for tonight!
Hmmm... who would do a thing like that? it wasn't supposed to be opened until your birthday... but i guess since you didnt know it was from me- you're off the hook. I just couldnt resist when i saw it! Happy Birthday!!
love, your sis
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