Well my friend,
You are in great amounts of luck...I have some free time on my hands and can't think of a better way to spend it than to write my larn and spout my praises of a little slice of heaven I call- WAWA. Here is a numbered list (in no particular order):
1. Wawa is clean and nice. 7-Elevens and most other convenience stores are in a consistent state of dirty shadiness - whether they are located in the nice part of town or the slummiest slum ghetto they seem to retain their relatively shady nature. Sooo true! I have been struck by the cleanliness of Wawa's statewide. I mean, I can even use the bathrooms without thinking about all the delights I could probably culture off the surfaces.
2. Wawa has the best hoagies ever in life that don't come from a 'specialty' hoagie shop - such as Lee's - Helloooo - touch-screen-build-a-hoagie?!?!? Touch-scree-build-a-hoagie rocks my world. And the speed and options for sandwich creation make me want to give Wawa a standing ovation.
3. Wawa almost always has my most beloved Doritos - the Salsa variety. And in addition, it's not just Salsa Doritos - Wawa is almost always equipped with whatever I need - my honey wheat pretzels, Frank's hot sauce, mountain dew code red, etc. Very comforting. Ok, so I've never actually had Salsa Doritos, but I can always find what I'm looking for whether it be a pick me up coffee or study break snack.
4. Wawa has SUPREME lemonade iced tea (my sister is addicted) - rivals Tea Cooler my friends - rivals Tea Cooler (actually I think it might be better - it seems a taste test is in order). I will gladly perform that taste test (as I am an avid fan of the Arnold Palmer) and get back to you.
5. Not only are their hoagies and lemonade iced tea orgasmic, but all other Wawa products totally beat all other convenience store products. Weird, wrinkled, strangely red/brown Sunoco hot dog - or plump Wawa dog?? Bagels, breakfast sandwiches, those specialty meat things, potato/macaroni salad - it's all good. Oh what, Dunkin Donuts burned in a fiery blaze (another East Coast phenomenon to be detailed on another day) - Wawa is there for you, ready to please. It may not be ol' D&D but it's still good. Like 7-11 creates things that don't even really exist in life - like weird rolls and stuff. Seriously, I never thought I could like convenience store food. I usually think it = nasty+salmonella. Wawa has shown me there is a better way.
6. Employees gotta mention employees. With the exception of one former Wawa employee who used to work at my Wawa til it closed, all Wawa employees that I have encountered are relatively pleasant nice people. You know they speak clear English, they move fairly quickly, they are not scruffy men that smell like gasoline and cigs, and they are not outwardly rude...not that I really care about any of the stuff, but you won't find those types at Wawa my friend. Being a friendly Californian, this actually does make a big difference to me. I've met some super friendly Wawa employees who ask how my day is, smile, and even give decent directions.
7. They have frozen cappuccinos that are SO good. And their regular cappuccinos and coffee isn't half bad - I know a lot of people who don't go without their Wawa coffee man. As do I. It's pretty good and there's like 1 million different kinds to pick from. Unlike Starb's it won't cost you as much as a meal.
8. One time they caught me stealing a candy bar. No cops were called - I was just banned for awhile - then I came back and like a loving parent, Wawa opened their arms back up to me. I wouldn't recommend trying this...but it sounds like love to me.
9. There nothin like a Wawa fountain soda. Fountain soda tastes different than canned which tastes different from bottled, just as Wawa tastes different from 7-11, the Mobil store thingy, Sunoco, whatever you can think of (I'm not that great at thinking of other stores b/c I am adamantly trying to only patronize Wawa). I've always been a fan of the fountain and the freshness of the Wawa fountain is one to be rivaled.
**This is all off the top of my head - I am confident with more thought I could delve into the subject further. Plus, I am an expert on this subject being that I have lived in other states and visited MANY other proclaimed 'best' Wawa-esque stores. There is one rival I will concede the statement that they are equally good as Wawa and that is Sheetz. Sheetz is VERY good. And 7-11 lays claim to the Slurpee - the ultimate drink. Mmmm, Slurpee....
Thank you Erin. Ok, so I hope this provided those of you previously unfamiliar with Wawa goodness with some valuable information. For those of you already in the know, well feel free to add anything that you think should be shared. I'd like to note the free ATM's...where can you find that these days?! And that the coffee comes with any and every possible add-in. I like mine with just a little milk or half and half, but it's nice to know if I wanted Sugar in the Raw that it's there. If only I had one within 122 steps of my house...some of us are just luckier than others.