Thursday, November 02, 2006

Swirling leaves and breathlessness

The colors have become so amazing around here that as I was driving to class today the sight literally took my breath away. It's been awhile since I've had that happen. Been so taken in by the beauty surrounding me that I felt breathless. Usually that's just my crappy asthma/allergy combo making me feel that way. But Fall has fallen and it in incredible. It is an area in which Pennsylvania far surpasses California. The air has become crisp and cool, wind swirls the leaves up around my feet and blows my hair back, and I find myself fighting the urge to find a rake and make piles to jump into. The trees around me reach beyond brown and golds to striking crimsons, scarlets, mustards and ambers. And yet, while the world is so alive with color, there seems to be a tinge of sadness in the air because everyone knows that those beautiful leaves will soon be on the ground and winter will be here. But for now it is just gorgeous and fresh and I am loving it. And I'm sure when there are snowy blankets covering eveything I'll be loving that too. To think this is all merely a glimpse of God's beauty!

1 comment:

Jon and Jamie said...

hey my sista!
We're getting a little glimspe of fall ina different territory and are loving it. but mostly because God is so real to us right now. He certainly has blessed us with many new friends and even if we dont end up here in Bend, it will have been well worth it. I love you and want to hear all about your retreat. LOVE YOU!