Monday, October 09, 2006


Today was my first day of my new job. Well, really let's rephrase that. Today was my first day of orientation for my new job. Day-long classroom-based hospital orientations are pretty much torture for girls who can't sit still. Eight hours of lecture classes are rough, but at least there is some valuable information in there, or at the minimum stuff you know you'll be tested on later. But hospital orientations, like many job orientations I'm sure, only give you tests with the kinds of questions you could answer without any real knowledge. You know, questions like:
If you are getting ready to cross the street at a crosswalk and see a car speeding toward you, you should:
a) continue crossing since you are a pedestrian and have the right of way
b) stop and wait for the car to pass
c) send the largest person out first so the car will stop to avoid body damage
d) both a&c

And if by some chance the question is actually going to require some thought, don't worry because it most assuredly will be discussed and worked through as a group. So what do I do? I squirm and change positions about a million times, I try and find things to take notes about just so there's something to do, I doodle, and I daydream my way on out.... but today I was in orientation with just myself and ONE other person! Daydreaming and doodling are out the window. Sigh.
I'm trying to keep with my usual positive outlook and remember that there are only 2 more days of this (ok, so that's a lie, there are 4, but only 2 more this week) then I get to do a great job. The place I'm working at is a rehab hospital and the facilities are amazing. On top of all the typical hospital stuff they have huge training gyms, a greenhouse where patients can go plant flowers and do projects, aquatics, hair dressers, and all kinds of environments and devices to help people regain and/or relearn skills. The staff are friendly, the environment soothing and while I might not learn tons in orientation, I certainly will on the floor. Yeah, it's gonna be good :)

1 comment:

beckalippy said...

Well, the answer to the crossing the street questions really depends... are you in SLO or not? In SLO, go ahead and cross the street since everyone knows that pedestrians have all the rights int he world there.. ;) I miss that town and I miss my tall friend.
I did find a cute boy who loves Jesus and tops off at a nice 6'8... his name is Carlos and I told him that I have a gorgeous gringa waiting for him when he is ready... ;)
Love you!