Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's been awhile!

So life has run away with me and I haven't been on the blog scene for almost two weeks now. Huh, well I'm back in school, back among those getting a full night's sleep, and there is even a glimmer of hope that I might be able to do some things outside of school this semester. Summer classes ended well and I thoroughly enjoyed my week and a day off before getting back on campus today. Turns out there are more than just 38 people that go to Villanova. It seemed like we had the whole place to ourselves over the summer, so it was kinda crazy to see a campus alive with activity. The undergrad$ were running around with their Gucci, Burberry, and Coach handbags and I'm realizing how Villanova gets away with charging so much. It was kind of fun to watch all the freshman seeking out their classes, remembering the exciting feeling of being on my own for the first time and also realizing I'm glad I'm where I'm at in life. After sitting through 8hr lecture days all summer, our 2 1/2 hr clinical overview seemed gloriously short. I guess it'a all a matter of perspective since my 90 minute classes used to seem painfully long.
So my sister cam out to visit me on my break and we had a great combo of relaxing and outing filled days. I'll post some pics, of our adventures to spice this place up a little bit. We had a great time hanging out and playing tourists.
So I've decided I'm going on a bit of a spending diet. Not that I've been spending tons since I got out here but I think I'm going to simplify even more and avoid extra treats until I find some employment. It's actually kind of fun. Is it weird that I sort of like being poor? Of course there is the occasional anxiety, especially with all the big checks for school, insurance, and 100+ degree air conditioning that I've been writing lately, but there is a lot of pleasure in living simply. Yeah, it probably a good thing, since I also like working with poor people and as a result don't expect to make a ton. There's a special about Operation Smile on tonight, and it just makes me feel so inspired. The organization sends medical staff all over the world to operate on children with facial deformities. So Cool! I'm not quite sure where exactly I'll end up nursing, but I just dig that I'm going into a career where I can spend my whole life helping people.


Anonymous said...

We saw the Operation Smile show, it made me want to sign up and GO!

Anonymous said...

Kallie, Where are your postings?

Kallie said...

they're baaaaccckk! :) whoever you are anonymous