I still am blown away by how I can travel through multiple states in less than 2 hours. My roommate and I cruised up to New York for the weekend. Not a big deal for the people on this coast, but super fun for us Cali kids since NYC is usually quite a trek. We drove up to Princeton, NJ, then took the train into the city. Our goals for the weekend: to see Lady Liberty, Ground Zero, and have as much fun possible while spending the least amount possible. And we did a pretty decent job. We walked A TON and managed to cram in a mess o' stuff. I really shouldn't spend too much time on teh details since I'm drowning in hw, but I'll post some pics. Highlights include FREE Staten Island Ferry and seeing the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, the building falling down on us, comedy clubs, empanadas, cheesecake, Ellen's, waiting in line for the lottery to get Wicked tickets and not winning, massive Puerto Rican day crowds, walking the entire length of Manhattan, trying to crawl inside the 9, cruising Central Park, and being reminded that I am so not a metropolitan city girl. Happy to visit and happy to come back to my quiet apartment in the suburbs.

1 comment:
Gee, Kal you lok like a teeny tiny woman in the photo with the big "e"
good illusion! You are so good at having fun!
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