Tuesday, March 28, 2006


It's funny, for some reason I feel like because someone other than myself might read this it should be some sort of literary masterpiece. You know, something that is just deeply profound, or incredibly witty and charming. But the thing is, I'm not really a literary genius. I have my moments I guess, but really, I spend more of my time on random thoughts like, "mouths are really weird" or "i LOVE my rainboots" (hmmm, I really might have to blog about them) than I do being philsophical. Anyway, I guess the purpose is not to impress anyone, so I'll try to get over it and be content with putting my thoughts down, disjointed and non-life-changing as they might be.

Today I feel like I truly began my leaving. Of course I've been preparing to go for some time, but today it began to be real. In a few days I will open a new book of blank pages and begin to fill in the next chapter, story, volume of my life. And that means that I have to conclude the story I'm in, which is always the hardest part. Goodbyes. I feel like I've said so many of them in the past few years with all my school and country hopping and of course graduating. I'm not a hater of goodbyes. I don't avoid them, or pretend thay aren't happening. I don't view them as definite and forever, but there is always a hint of sadness associated with leaving when you're leaving something good, no matter how exciting the next thing might be. Because you know when you say goodbye that you'll never be able to recreate that time, even if people or places are revisited. Today I started saying my goodbye's to the people I see everyday. And I was struck by how many I've come to care for in the short time I've been home. I came back last July knowing about as many people as I can count with one hand (that's including my family!), and now I feel like I'm leaving tons of friends behind. And while I'm somewhat sad, the more powerful feeling is awe. I have been overwhelmingly blessed. I have met some amazing people in the past few months; people who have taught me things, made me laugh, challenged my way of thinking, and showed me loving kindness. And I am yet again amazed at the way God works. Thank you to all of you who have touched my life in the past months. You are treasures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a treasure yourself, Kallie, it is absolutely no wonder you attract that kind of people. And I , of course, am completely unbiased in this observation,=] I have been watching you enchant and delight people for 23 years now. I am getting used to saying goodbye to you, goodbye being short for God be with you, as are my prayers and my love.