My friend Becka came to visit me this past weekend. It is her first trip back to the US after living in Chile for the past year. And I think it was God's way of forcing me into taking a full day off from any sort of school work. If I thought school was my life when I first got here, it has become even more so! But I think I'm over the toughest part and should be heading somewhat downhill from now on...trying to stay the optimist:) Because I hate to talk about school as if it were some sort of torture or something. I really love what I'm studying, it's just the sheer quantity of it with no time for rest that has made me, like everyone else in my class, feel so burned out. But this Saturday was a wonderful break! Becka got into town on Friday night and after waiting at two different bus stations on the same street for an hour and a half, we found each other :) It was amazing to realize it had been my first trip into center city Philadelphia since I arrived in May! However did that happen? I got to church in Philly, but that's near the Art Museum, right on the outskirts of the city ( as evidenced by the fact that I don't have to pay for parking). We spent the day doing touristy things, walking around, eating cheesesteaks, taking a carriage ride throught the old city, basically being tourists and catching up after a year apart (except this time in both Spanish and English!). Playing tourist reminded me that this city really is amazing and I'm so glad it's where I ended up.
Everyday I discover more and more things that reassure me it's where I belong for the time being. I kind of wondered before I arrived what it would be like and if I was making the right decision going to the other side of the country, and the same city where my ex lives just for nursing school. While he wasn't the only reason I was looking into Philly, it was a hugely influential factor at the beginning...but I think it was in the plan for me to get out here and the means God uses to accomplish his will rarely make sense to me. I actually talked to Mike for the first time since I've been out here just a few days ago. And admittedly, I was taken aback that I could enjoy talking to him without being overwhelmed by any feelings, good or bad. I think we might actually be friends. Funny that it happened just a bit of time after I became absolutely certain that wasn't a possibility for us.
In so many areas of my life, I think I'm tired of asking why, what if, and dwelling in the past or thinking tons about the future. I feel like lately, I'm too tired to do anything but trust God. Things have worked out for His glory and my good thus far, so I'm just trying to dwell in his promises and laugh liberally at the weirdness that is often my life. We read this psalm last night and home group and it brought peace to my soul. I don't need all the why's, I just need
Psalm 131
My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forevermore.
Awe, rest, peace, and trust...Amen to that.